
2013-03-10 14:32:37 

Ant torsos, spider legs, rodent hairs. FDA permits 60 insect fragments and one rodent hair per 100 grams.  

Six months later, out of the blue, she dumps me. Quits.
out of the blue 突如其来
加长版的是out of the clear blue sky,就是有点晴天霹雳的感觉了。

We had a little fling.  

Geneva was nuts.  
nuts 疯子

Those girls hate each other's guts.  
hate each other's guts 恨到骨子里

Harriet was a a phony.  
phony 伪君子

I don't think this is a done deal.  
done deal 生米煮成熟饭,木已成舟

You made my day, Vincent.  
make one's day 让某人很高兴
我们经常会说It's my day.表示今天超顺利,于是如果别人帮了你的大忙或者让你很哈皮的时候,就要说别人you make my day!你今儿太给力了!

They all took a hit.  
take a hit 主动出击

You think I give a crap?  
give a crap  (不)在乎那些废话

- If you want, I can lie to all of our friends and say that you have pressing FBI business.
- I don't like the idea of lying to our friends, but I'm going to go with it, thanks.
本集最虐台词!请问FBI Special Agent Seeley Joseph Booth筒子是被外星人劫持了嘛?!

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