
2012-05-12 00:13:00 

第二十六课 复习现在完成时态

在这一课里, 我们复习现在完成时态, 同时也要学习一些医药方面的词汇.

首先我们听一段对话, 内容是说凯特和亨利谈到医药保险的事情. 请你注意英 文老师的发音和语调.

F: Our health insurance bill came yesterday. The cost has increased again.

M: Again? We have had two increases this year.

F: Medical care has been so expensive lately.

M: Remember when Peter was in the hospital after his accident last year?

F: I sure do. The hospital bill for that was over three thousand dollars; and how much did the doctor charge us?

M: I don't remember. But our insurance paid for all the bills.

F: And Peter got excellent care at the hospital, didn't he?

M: Yes, he did. I guess I can't complain about the money we have paid for health insurance all these years.


F: Our health insurance bill came yesterday. The cost has increased again.

M: Again? We have had two increases this year.

F: Medical care has been so expensive lately.

M: Remember when Peter was in the hospital after his accident last year?

F: I sure do. The hospital bill for that was over three thousand dollars; and how much did the doctor charge us?

M: I don't remember. But our insurance paid for all the bills.

F: And Peter got excellent care at the hospital, didn't he?

M: Yes, he did. I guess I can't complain about the money we have paid for health insurance all these years.


F: The cost has increased again.

M: We have had two increases this year.

F: Medical care has been so expensive lately.

M: I can't complain about the money we have paid for health insurance all these years.


从上面那些句子你可以听出来, 现在完成时态是用 has 或是 have加上动词的 过去分词构成的. 这种时态可以用来表示 "经验",比方 "我得过心脏病" I have had a heart attack 等等; 在问句里人们常常用 ever, e-v-e-r, ever 和现在完成时 态问别人从过去到现在是不是有过某种经验, 比方: "你输过血吗?" Have you ever had a blood transfusion?

下面我们作一组代换练习, 学学这类句子.练习的作法是由老师问你一个问题, 比方 "你检查过身体吗?" Have you ever had a health check-up? 接着老师念一 个字或词, 比方 "验血" a blood test, 你就把这个词代换到原来的句子里. 在作 练习的时候你可以学到不少跟医疗或疾病有关系的字或词, 比方 "手术" an operation, "X光" an x-ray, "癌症" cancer, "小儿麻痹" polio, "肺病" tuberculosis 等等. 现在我们开始作练习, 每作完一句, 老师就把正确答案念一遍给你听.

M: Have you ever had a health check-up?

M: a blood test

F: Have you ever had a blood test?

M: a blood transfusion

F: Have you ever had a blood transfusion?

M: an operation.

F: Have you ever had an operation?

M: an x-ray

F: Have you ever had an x-ray?

M: serious diseases

F: Have you ever had serious diseases?

M: high blood pressure

F: Have you ever had high blood pressure?

M: a heart attack

F: Have you ever had a heart attack?

M: cancer

F: Have you ever had cancer?

M: polio

F: Have you ever had polio?

M: tuberculosis

F: Have you ever had tuberculosis?

M: medical treatment

F: Have you ever had medical treatment?

M: medical care

F: Have you ever had medical care?

中级美国英语Lesson26:复习现在完成时态》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/732/