
2012-05-12 00:13:00 

刚才那些问题都可以换一个方式问, 比方护士问亨利: "你从来没有得过高血 压, 不是吗?" You have never had high blood pressure, have you? 就是一个例 子.下面我们作一组练习, 一方面复习时态, 一方面复习我们刚才学的新词汇.

请你注意听护士问亨利问题; 这些问题亨利都一一地作否定的答覆, 在亨利回 答的时候, 请你也一起回答.

F: You have never had polio, have you?

M: No, I've never had polio.

F: You have never had tuberculosis, have you?

M: No, I've never had tuberculosis.

F: You have never had high blood pressure, have you?

M: No, I've never had high blood pressure.

F: You have never had a heart attack, have you?

M: No, I've never had a heart attack.

F: You have never had cancer, have you?

M: No, I've never had cancer.

F: You have never had serious diseases, have you?

M: No, I've never had serious diseases.

F: You have never had a long term illness, have you?

M: No, I've never had a long term illness.

下面我们作一组练习比较现在完成时态跟过去时态. 以前我们学过过去时态是 用来表示在过去一个特定时间发生的事情; 而现在完成时态用来表示到目前已 经发生的事情, 并不表明特定的时间. 在作下面这组练习的时候你会听到医生 用现在完成时态问凯特作过某些事情没有, 这些问题凯特都一一的作肯定的答 覆, 并且用过去时态补充说明事情发生的确定时间是 "上个月". 现在我们开始 作练习,在凯特回答问题的时候也请你一起回答:

M: You have had a health check-up lately, haven't you?

F: Yes, I have had a health check-up. I had it last month.

M: You have had a blood test lately, haven't you?

F: Yes, I have had a blood test. I had it last month.

M: You have had an x-ray lately, haven't you?

F: Yes, I have had an x-ray. I had it last month.

M: You have had an operation lately, haven't you?

F: Yes, I have had an operation. I had it last month.

M: You have had a blood transfusion lately, haven't you?

F: Yes, I have had a blood transfusion. I had it last month.

下面一组练习还是比较过去时态和现在完成时态. 练习的内容是说到医学上 的成就. 首先你会听到男老师念一个被动语态的过去时态句子, 比方: "去年 有许多人住院." Many people were hospitalized last year. 接着女老师就用现 在完成时态把句子改成 "从那以后有更多人住院." More people have been hospitalized since then. 这组练习里有些词汇你可能不太熟, 比方 "实验" experiment, "技术" technique, "意外" accident, "避免" prevent, "成就" achievement 等等, 请你在听老师念句子的时候一面注意时态的变化, 一面 注意这些词汇. 现在我们开始.

M: Many people were hospitalized last year.

F: More people have been hospitalized since then.

M: Many people were treated last year.

F: More people have been treated since then.

M: Many people were saved last year.

F: More people have been saved since then.

M: Medical experiments were done last year.

F: More medical experiments have been done since then.

M: Modern techniques were learned last year.

F: More modern techniques have been learned since then.

M: Some accidents were prevented last year.

F: More accidents have been prevented since then.

M: A lot of patients were cured last year.

F: More patients have been cured since then.

M: Several hospitals were built last year.

F: More hospitals have been built since then.

M: Medical achievements were made last year.

F: More medical achievements have been made since then.

中级美国英语Lesson26:复习现在完成时态》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/732/