
2013-04-26 17:52:34 

1. Maybe we should just bite the bullet and go to Boston.
bite the bullet: Endure pain with fortitude. 忍耐痛苦。

2. But the one event every family dreads is the moment when they finally meet the in-laws.

3. --Nice to meet you.
(Me too比较文的说法)

4. There's a home for everyone in suburbia, and a realtor eager to find you exactly what you want.

5. Whatever your taste, everyone wants a home with a lovely exterior, mostly so the neighbors will never suspect the ugliness going on inside.
这期旁白说的针对的是Eddie一家。Dave没吃药,hallucinations越来越严重了。表面上光鲜亮丽,背后却藏着不可告人的秘密。我觉得 Eddie越来越可爱了,性格真的很个性。明明生气了,还对老公说:“There's something you should know about me. I don't stay unhappy for long.” 可怜人哪...

6. Need a juicy recap?

7. And you might wanna pile on the makeup.
   Drag queens get their first drink free.
drag queen 在网上查了查是通常是表演性质男扮女装的人,Lee让Susan化浓妆再去,可以混杯免费酒喝...难道是暗指Susan长得像男的?Susan一脸困惑的表情...哈哈...这一集最好笑的是Lee和Susan的发展了...特别是Gaby在Susan家里狂嘲笑她...吼吼吼吼
A drag queen is a person, usually a man, who dresses (or "drags") in female clothes and make-up for special occasions and usually because they are performing and entertaining as a hostess, stage artist or at an event. This is in contrast to those who cross-dress for reasons other than as a source of entertainment for others or transgender people who are not necessarily drag queens or cross-dressers but sometimes fit into those labels.

8. Oh, look at her teeny black polka dots.
polka dots regular pattern of large dots on cloth (布料上的)圆点图案

9. Now that I have my vision back, the world is my oyster.
我可以为所欲为了。(used to tell someone that they can achieve whatever they want )

10. I'll get you the want ads.
 招聘广告 (我每次都要想半天,这个表达法又简单又地道...唔...)

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