看GossipGirl第三季学英语3.14 失踪女子

2013-06-14 22:17:01 
Get up and go at it, upper east side.
Get up and go 积极主动地 Informal Initiation of action motivated by energy and ambition.

Maybe morandI or il buco? 
Morandi是Keith McNally旗下一家意大利餐厅。

Il Buco 是一家处于纽约的小餐厅,由90年代老古董商铺改造而成,这家风情小餐厅中充满了温馨和饱足之氛围。

No rest for the wicked. 
这句话本来的说法应该是no peace for the wicked,这句话出自以赛亚书,意思是有罪之人将在十八层地狱遭受永无止尽的惩戒。

He's shutting me out in his head all the time. Normally, I'd chalk it up to just him being him. 
shut sb. out  排挤某人
chalk something up to something else 将某事归咎于某事 to say that something is caused by something else

Pretty much what you just heard, sans fashion magazine.
sans 除了 =without
I turned over a new leaf...a new, non-meddling leaf from the trust tree. 
non-meddling 互不干涉

A Blair Waldorf apology without a caveat? 
caveat 中止诉讼手续的申请,警告,停止支付的通知

it's all these mojitos
Mojito是一款很受欢迎的鸡尾酒,名字来源于西班牙语中带有酸橙汁口味的莫霍少司(Mojo Sauce),而“Mojo”这个词来源于西班牙语中的动词“Mojar”,意思是“弄湿”。读起来是(mo-Hee-toe)。看起来很漂亮哇。

看GossipGirl第三季学英语3.14 失踪女子》永久阅读地址: http://91kudian.com/yingyu/9260/